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DJ Ayster & DJ Cio formerly known as 'Afrozin Gang' feat. Vocalist Ntombie.

DJ Ayster is one half of the dynamic duo that is Afrozin Gang. His journey started in 2003, he has always loved Afro House Music so much so that he started playing African Electronic Dance Music around his local area in various taverns before deciding to venture into the world of music production.

DJ Ayster has worked with various artists such as Kale Kamine, CeeyChris, D-Zaya, Mr Afro-Deep, Da Vynalist, Brian Kaysta and many more!

DJ Cio is the other half of Afrozin Gang, he started his journey in 2005 and has always had a passion for music.
Like DJ Ayster, Cio played in local clubs in the area then started to get DJ bookings further afield.

DJ Cio has worked with various artists such as Farnkysoule, Dhar Mfura, Flaton Fox, Pex Africah and many more!

Welcome to the South African dynamic duo 'Afrozin Gang'.

We are delighted to present you with 'Khethe Wena'.

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