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Zy Khan

AH Digital
AHD387 | 2024-04-26  
Introducing Zy Khan's latest EP, "Threshold," released on AH Digital. This captivating EP features not only the original title track but also three exceptional remixes by the talented artists Liam Garcia, Vitaly Shturm, and Sebas Ramos.

"Threshold" takes listeners on a mesmerizing journey through ethereal landscapes and pulsating rhythms. Zy Khan's original track showcases his unique blend of atmospheric textures and driving beats, creating an immersive experience that transcends musical boundaries.

The remixes add a new dimension to the release, each artist infusing their distinctive style into the mix. Liam Garcia brings his signature touch, weaving intricate melodies and dynamic grooves. Vitaly Shturm adds a layer of sophistication with his refined production skills, while Sebas Ramos delivers a groove-infused rendition, incorporating infectious basslines and uplifting elements that elevate the spirit.

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