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Dancing In The Fire With You

Syntronix, Dualarity

Aztec Records Ltd
AZT0426 | 2024-05-24  
Combining the retro allure of synthwave with contemporary electronic influences, this collaboration promises an exhilarating experience. Renowned Belgian synthwave composer and producer Syntronix creates an even tempoed, driving rhythm, inviting listeners to immerse themselves in the evocative melodies of his unique and retro influenced analogue synths. Lead vocalist David Bartlett of Dualarity from the UK lends his emotive voice to lyrics that explore the transformative power of love, taking listeners from a life lived on autopilot to a vibrant awakening.

First introduced to each other through their mutual label 'Aztec Records', Syntronix and Dualarity quickly set out to seamlessly blend their musical styles, creating a track that is simultaneously nostalgic and cutting-edge.

Prepare to ignite your senses with 'Dancing In The Fire With You', available on all major streaming platforms on 24th May 2024.
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