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Khalid aka K'LID is one of the most talented DJs in North Africa. Since early childhood, Khalid has been a child music lover, starting out on the decks in 1996 remixing electronic music. His first job was as a manager of a music shop in Casablanca. He started mixing in clubs such as (LE PETIT ROCHER, LE LIVING ROOM). In 2002 he met Marcel Chiche, the owner of the trendiest Restaurant COMPTOIR DARNA in the red city of Marrakech, who invited him to work for him as the only resident DJ. It was there that he met the famous CLAUDE CHALLE who helped build his own musical knowledge. Since 2002 to date, he has been inventing and redefining the unique Comptoir sound every day. A great creator of atmosphere, we must admit that K'LID has largely contributed to the reputation of Le Comptoir in the world, an emblematic establishment of Marrakchis nights, considered by the very serious Sunday Times, as one of the 10 best bars in the world. From the beautiful people of Marrakech to tourists from all over the world, passing by showbiz celebrities, passing through the red city, no one is mistaken, an evening at Le Comptoir is not to be forgotten! Especially when the divine K'LID is on the decks! K'LID released its first compilation of mixes, LOVELY REPRISES with CLAUDE CHALLE in 2010 on the Wagram Music label. Followed by DANCING REPRISES in May 2011. After the two compilations K'LID welcomed some of the most prestigious DJs on the planet such as Erick Morillo, Charles Schillings, Stéphane Pompougnac, Emmanuel S, Martin Morales, Pathaan, Chris Coco, DJ Felix, Amine K, Sabo, Pablo Fierro, etc... K'LID was indeed the elected representative of the airline TRANSAVIA in Paris, which invited him to produce an exclusive compilation for the launch of the program.

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